About Us/Les Collaborateurs
Contact us at: webmaster@emfandhealth.com
The contributors to this site have a professional background in science and technology. We share a common belief in the value of science and technology. Science and the evolution of scientific knowledge serve the interests of decision makers as well as society as a whole. In seeking to promote a greater understanding of the state of true scientific knowledge of EMF & Health, it is important to distinguish between myth and reality, evidence based science and poor science, and to expose pseudoscience. We hope this web site will help inform and enlighten you about the status of mainstream scientific research on the issue of EMF and Health.
The views expressed in this web site are those of the respective authors. They represent the personal views of the authors and not the organizations that they work for or are associated with. Referenced documents are attributed to the source. Unreferenced and unattributed materials are the responsibility of the Web Master.
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SVP envoyez vos commentaires et questions en français où en anglais à : webmaster@emfandhealth.com.
Cliquez ici pour voir quelques articles écrit par Ariel Fenster en français sur le sujet CEM & Santé.
Dr. Ariel Fenster is well known as an outstanding communicator and as an exceptional promoter of science. He also teaches chemistry at McGill University and is a founding member of the McGill Office for Science and Society. Ariel Fenster is an award winning public lecturer (more than 800 presentations over the last three decades) in both French and English on topics of health, the environment and technology. Among his awards: the "McNeil Medal for the Public Awareness of Science" from the Royal Society of Canada (1992, inaugural award) and the Michael Smith Award for the Promotion of science in Canada from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (2005). He holds a Master's degree from the University of Paris and a Ph.D from McGill University.

Harvey Kofsky is a Professional Engineer. He has a BaSC degree in 1966 in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto. He is an entrepreneur who has founded a number of successful electronics companies including Promatek Industries Ltd. during his career. Kofsky is passionate about ensuring that the public is given appropriate information in order to evaluate pseudo scientific media reports.
Harvey has written an excellent critique of a white paper opposing a WiFi network by Dr. Magda Havas to the Board of Supervisor's of San Francisco. Dr. Havas, of Trent University, is one of the leading alarmists in Canada. He has also exposed the tactic of "Fear and Fabrication" in one of the headlines on Havas' web site.
Click here for Harvey's article on Childhood Leukemia and 60 Hz AC Power.

Michel Plante est diplômé de médecine de l'Université de Montréal. Au cours des 25 dernières années, il a développé une expertise unique sur les effets des rayonnements sur la santé humaine. Il a été responsable du programme de santé à la centrale nucléaire de Gentilly et également conseiller auprès de la Commission de contrôle de la l'énergie atomique du Canada (maintenant la Commission canadienne de la sureté nucléaire). A titre de consultant chez Hydro-Québec, il est un des principaux responsables du programme de recherche sur les champs électriques et magnétiques sur la santé humaine depuis 1986. Il est présentement Responsable médical - santé du public à à Direction santé et sécurité d'Hydro-Québec. Il enseigne les effets du rayonnement sur la santé humaine à l'Université de Montréal. Il se passionne pour une meilleure utilisation de la recherche et de la science dans les décisions de société. Cliquez ici pour ses excellents articles : Are 50/60 Hz magnetic fields carcinogenic to humans et Cellulaires et Santé: êtes-vous sur la même longeur d'ondes que vos patients ?

Dr. Joe Schwarcz (PhD McGill 1973) is Director of McGill University's Office for Science and Society which is dedicated to demystifying science for the public, the media and students. Dr Schwarcz also teaches a variety of courses with emphasis on health issues and on the application of chemistry to everyday life. He is well known for his informative and entertaining public lectures on topics ranging from the chemistry of love to the science of aging. Professor Schwarcz has received numerous awards for teaching chemistry and for interpreting science for the public. Click here to see some recent articles by Joe Schwarcz.

Lorne Trottier is a co-founder of Matrox Ltd. Trottier holds a B. Eng., M. Eng., and Doctorate (honoris causa) degrees from McGill University. He is President of the Board of the Montreal Science Center Foundation (Centre iSCi). He has had a lifelong passion for science and technology. Trottier believes in the value of science and technology and in the importance of combating pseudoscience.
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